AARON: I’m the biggest fan of outdoor sports! If anyone, and I mean anyone, came up to me and offered me to skydive in like 1 hour I would let everything go and rush to the plane! I’m also a big believer in karma: what goes around comes around! Do good deeds and good luck will come your way! Last but not least, if there’s a piano nearby, I’ll be sitting by it, playing, before you even blink :)
BOOM: The story of how you got discovered
AARON: Oh this is a fun one! I actually applied for my mother agency roundabout two years ago and got rejected! But with shorter hair and a me beeing quite the naive boy I was, I completely understand their decision! 6 months later they had an open casting which I went to, next thing we signed a contract and boom (haha get it?) I was a model. With longer hair and more confidence!
BOOM. Funniest modelling experience so far
AARON: Meeting a guy at a casting in Milan who is from the same small town I live in, in beautiful Sweden! And there’s only about 15,000 people... in total.
BOOM: For my last meal on earth, I'd choose….
AARON: If it would be the very last meal... Pancakes. Like a million pancakes with nutella! Oh man...
BOOM: Last book you read?
AARON: The girl on the train (Read it btw if you haven’t already!)
BOOM: The most inspiring person you've met
AARON: My mother, there is no doubt.
BOOM: The best place in Milan where you love to spend your free time
AARON: Duomo for sure.
BOOM: Pros & Cons of being a model
AARON: The traveling is for me one of the biggest pros you can get in any job! To experience new places and cultures! On the cons side, it would probably be that it’s so unpredictable and unsure, but there’s also something in that which I love! The unkown...
BOOM: Who's (or What is) the future of the fashion's world?
AARON: This is a very hard question, but I think we will go towards simple, larger clothes with smaller details.
BOOM: Favourite song to sing in the shower.
AARON: ”I feel good” by James Brown.
BOOM: List of items you always have in your bag/luggage.
AARON: A water bottle, headphones + phonecharger, and I usually try to bring me some almonds.
BOOM: What is daily beauty routine
AARON: I start off with a hot shower to wash my hair and do a face-scrub! After that I gradually turn the water colder and colder to close the pores and man, it feels so refreshing! Next up is a face moisturizer, and the one I’m using now, which happens to be my all time favourite, is the ”L’oréal Men Expert Vita Lift 5”! Stepping out of the shower I adjust eyebrows, NOT PLUCKING, and put on a body creme on neck, shoulders and hands! After that, it’s all up to the current mood what kind of style my wardrobe will rock that day!
BOOM: Is there any place in the world you haven't been yet but you would like to visit?
AARON: Right now, New York would be a dream come true... it’s an incredibly tough city to survive in as a model, but if I had the chance... you don’t want to know what I would do to make it work!
BOOM: What your family thinks about you as a model?
AARON: They are very supportive and understanding, so I’m very blessed!
BOOM: Best movie/Serie you suggest?
AARON: #maytheforcebewithyou. Try to guess :D
BOOM: What’s your favourite brand?
AARON: This is a hard one... but I would say Louis Vuitton.
BOOM: Plans for the future?
AARON: Oh I like to take it as it comes! Right now I want to make it in this industry!
BOOM: Are you active on social networks? which ones?
AARON: Of course! Who doesn’t have instagram right? You’ll find me at @doubelle_a_ron